Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of the services we provide (including, but not limited to, the Self Serve TPT Data Tool and any related tools, resources, or videos created by SEOT Mindset Inc.). Please read them carefully and reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use our services and delete any files provided by our service.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Our Services are provided “as is” and for use at your own risk. Support is not guaranteed or provided.

SEOT Mindset Inc. and its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Neither SEOT Mindset Inc., nor its suppliers and licensors, makes any warranty that our Services will be error-free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, our Services at your own discretion and risk.

Agreement to Terms

By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to be bound by all of the Terms and all other operating rules, policies, and procedures that we may publish via the Services from time to time (collectively, the “Agreement”). You also agree that we may automatically change, update, or add to our Services as stated in the Terms, and the Agreement will apply to any changes. Participating in the Boot Camp or Discussion Boards is subject to these addition terms and conditions.

Clarification Regarding Teachers Pay Teachers

The Self Serve TPT Data Tool and SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse are independent tools developed by SEOT Mindset Inc. and are not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with Teacher Synergy LLC, doing business as Teachers Pay Teachers (“TPT”).

Our tools are designed to help TPT sellers analyze their sales data and product performance, but they are not associated with or approved by TPT. All users of our tools are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with TPT’s terms of use, privacy policies, and any other applicable rules or regulations.

No Guarantees

At any point, TPT may change the way their website works, effectively breaking any third-party TPT Seller tool or resource.

Data Usage and Privacy

By uploading your data, you consent to SEOT Mindset Inc. using your data to improve the tool and provide valuable insights for the TPT Seller community. SEOT Mindset Inc. analyzes trends and averages for conversion rates to offer better suggestions based on aggregated data. This data analysis helps enhance the tool’s accuracy and usefulness for all users.

SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse vs. SEOTpreneur Research Database

The SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse is a data storage service that retains your data as long as you have an active subscription. If your subscription ends, your data will be deleted from the Data Warehouse.

The SEOTpreneur Research Database is a separate, anonymous, and aggregated database. Any data that has been anonymized and added to the Research Database will remain indefinitely for ongoing research purposes, even after your subscription has ended..

Data Security and Disclaimer for SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse and SEOTpreneur Research Database

The “SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse” and “SEOTpreneur Research Database” are a data storage and processing service hosted on a Google Cloud server, which uses industry-standard AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to encrypt data at rest. While we strive to provide a secure environment for your data, it’s important to understand that no cloud-based or Software as a Service (SaaS) solution can be completely free from risk. Data breaches, unauthorized access, or accidental data exposure are always possible, despite our best efforts to protect your information.

Additionally, please note that this product is currently under development, which carries a higher risk of errors, potential data exposure, or other unforeseen issues. While we continuously work to improve the service, there may be vulnerabilities that are not yet identified or resolved.

If your data requires more stringent protection or if you are concerned about these risks, using a Google Sheet-based tool may be a better solution. With Google Sheets, you maintain greater control over your data, as it remains in your own Google Drive account. You can manage access permissions directly, ensuring that only those you choose have access to your data.

Limitation of Liability

SEOT Mindset Inc. is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, resulting from the use or inability to use the Self Serve TPT Data Tool, SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse, SEOTpreneur Research Database, or other related products and services, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

This includes any damages or losses arising from data breaches, unauthorized access, data exposure, or any other security incident, even if such an incident occurs due to our negligence or fault.

In jurisdictions where the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not allowed, our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. In such cases, if we are required by law to cover any costs or damages, our total liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, is limited to the amount you paid for the use of our services.

Termination of Services

Either party may terminate your use of the Self Serve TPT Data Tool, SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse, and SEOTpreneur Research Database at any time, for any reason, without notice. Upon termination of your account, data you have uploaded to the SEOTpreneur Data Warehouse will be permanently deleted.

Data Deletion Requests

If you wish to request the deletion of your data, please email us at [email protected] using the email address associated with your account. We will process your request to delete your data as soon as possible, in accordance with our data retention and deletion policies.


We welcome your comments, ideas, or feedback to improve our Services. By sharing feedback with us, you agree that we are free to use it without any restriction or compensation to you.

Changes to the Terms

We may modify the Terms from time to time, for example, to reflect changes to our Services (e.g., adding new features or benefits to our Services or retiring certain features of certain Services) or for legal, regulatory, or security reasons. If we do this, we’ll provide notice of the changes, such as by posting the amended Terms and updating the “Last Updated” date or, if the changes, in our sole discretion, are material, we may notify you through our Services or other communications. Any changes will apply on a going-forward basis, and, unless we say otherwise, the amended Terms will be effective immediately. By continuing to use our Services after we’ve notified you, you agree to be bound by the new Terms. You have the right to object to any changes at any time by ceasing your use of our Services and may cancel any subscription you have.

Severability Clause

If any covenant, term, condition, or provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced by a rule of law or public policy, all remaining covenants, terms, conditions, and provisions shall be considered severable and shall remain in full force and effect.

Governing Law and Venue

These Terms are governed by the laws of the province of Ontario, and the laws of Canada, without regard to principles of conflict of law, and regardless of where you are located in the world. SEOT Mindset Inc. is located in Ottawa, Ontario. Any dispute will be resolved in the provincial and federal courts located in Ontario, Canada.